Welcome to the Muskingum County Library System
Teens! Let your voice be heard at the library and help make decisions on what events and materials the library offers your age group. Ages 12-18.
Who is eligible for Teen Advisory Board (TAB)?
TAB is open to any students in grades 6-12 or the equivalent (whether they attend public or private school, or are home-schooled).
What is TAB?
Mostly we talk about how we can make the library more relevant to teens . Sometimes the librarian will have a list of event ideas, and TAB will vote on whether or not they want the library to make those ideas a reality.
What do Teens get out of it?
Free food and drinks.
A voice in deciding what cool stuff the library can offer for teens.
If you need volunteer hours for school or some other reason, participation in TAB counts toward your total.
A chance to make new friends.
The eternal and undying gratitude of the Young Adult Librarian.
TAB membership looks great on college applications!